How To Display Rosettes

How To Display Rosettes Using Our Rosette Holder 


How To Display Rosettes
Horse Shoe Display in Gold Text
Dog show ribbon holder, rosette frame, display rosettes, rosette display frames
Paw Prints Silver Text


We have many designs, sizes and colours to choose from , lots of options on How to Display Rosettes.

Before you begin decide how many Rosettes you would like to display , then choose the correct size holder and measure the size of your rosettes , the guide below is for a four inch rosette 


Small 12 x 16 £8.99. Holds 12 x 4 inch
Medium 16 x 18 £11.99. 18
Large. 20x 35 £ 15.99. 40
Ex Large. 23 x 40 £20.99 60
Giant. 30 x 50 £31.99 100
Tall Slim. 8 x35 £12.99. 18

A great Display is a tidy one for more impact , just some  ideas below

  • Group Colours Together 
  • Display a progression through the grades on  one or two Holders with a Header  ribbon printed with your name,  Charlotte Jennings  Novice 2015
  • Choose a larger Holder than you need and leave enough space between your  rosettes  too show off those beautiful tails 
  • Put all your Clear Round Rosettes on one display and all your placings on another 
  • Have a Special Championships Holder , for National Event qualifiers 

More Ideas and photos to follow soon 

Please visit our shop for more details on colour and design options


If you would like a Holder your own design , size  colour  please email us for a quote 



Ideas Displaying Dog Show Rosettes

 Ideas  Displaying  Dog Show Rosettes 

rosette pin board, how to display rosettes, rosette hanger,ideas for displaying your dog show rosettes
Medium Rosette Holder 16 x 18 inch
rosette Display Holder, rosette display, ideas for displaying your rosettes, how to display rosettes
Dog Agility Seesaws and Paw Prints


We have many designs, sizes and colours to choose from , lots ideas displaying  dog show rosettes.

Before you begin decide how many Rosettes you would like to display , then choose the correct size holder and measure the size of your rosettes , the guide below is for a four inch rosette 


Small 12 x 16 £8.99. Holds 12 x 4 inch
Medium 16 x 18 £11.99. 18
Large. 20x 35 £ 15.99. 40
Ex Large. 23 x 40 £20.99 60
Giant. 30 x 50 £31.99 100
Tall Slim. 8 x35 £12.99. 18

A great Rosette Display is a tidy one for more impact , just some  ideas below

  • Group Colours Together 
  • Display a progression through the grades on  one or two Holders with a Header  ribbon printed with your name,  
  • Choose a larger Holder than you need and leave enough space between your  rosettes  too show off those beautiful tails 
  • Have a Special Championships Holder , for National Event qualifiers , Crufts. 

More Ideas for  displaying dog show rosettes and photos to follow soon 

Follow the link to our shop for more details on colour and design options

If you would like a Holder your own design , size  colour  please email us for a quote